Manipulating filenames in Excel or Access, or VB/A

Do you often need to manipulate filenames in VBA ?Here’s a small set of very useful functions that I regularly use: GetFileExt

Get the file extension part of a filename, without the leading dot (“.”). Example (type in immediate window):


Get the left part of a filename (and path), without… Continue reading Manipulating filenames in Excel or Access, or VB/A

A simplified sprintf function for VBA

Did you ever need to quickly replace some placeholders in a string with a variable number of literals or variable values ? Here’s a ssprintf() VB/A variant of C’s sprintf() function. Let’s say that the first “s” in the name stands for “simplified”. We’re – of course – far away from the full fledged power… Continue reading A simplified sprintf function for VBA

The case for the accented characters

Do you want of the get rid of the accented characters when you convert a string to upper case in VBA ? Sure, if you’re developing an Access (or another Office – Excel, Word, etc… – or VB/A) application targeting french, you’ll want to sometimes avoid the À for Ucase$(“à”). I’m speaking of the default… Continue reading The case for the accented characters