How to validate an IBAN code with VB/A

Bank accounts are identified with a standardized IBAN code that simplifies international transactions. The code identifies the country, the banking institution and a customer account. You’ll find a function to validate an international Bank account IBAN identifier with VB/A in this post, along with a bunch of test IBANs. There’s a “checksum” contained in the… Continue reading How to validate an IBAN code with VB/A

How to implement a circular queue in VBA (Excel)

Temporal modules Queues are part of the “temporal modules” family, with stacks and general double ended queues. They are containers that follow the FIFO (first in, first out) principle for storing and retrieving elements. While stacks follow the LIFO (last in, first out) principle, and general double ended queues can store and retrieve elements in… Continue reading How to implement a circular queue in VBA (Excel)