Microsoft Access Databases ADO connection strings for 32/64 bits

If you try to open a connection to an Access database via ADO, you’ll have to use a different provider, whether you’re coding for 32 or 64 bits environments. Here’s a utility function I use for that (updated 25.02.2014):

Of course you have to have the correct jet engine files installed on the target… Continue reading Microsoft Access Databases ADO connection strings for 32/64 bits

Shell Hell for VBA 64 bits

One of the useful uses of the Windows API, back in the old days of 32 bits programming, was to use the shell’s standard dialogs for browsing for a folder or picking a file. VB/VBA didn’t have a way to do that, whereas today, modern VB, I mean VBA7 of course (today’s “Visual Basic” denomination… Continue reading Shell Hell for VBA 64 bits