A pure (windows) “C” version of urlencode

This is a windows pure C language version of a urlencode() function.Sometimes, when I need simple tools and self contained windows EXEs (“just run it”, no “dll”s to copy or register), I find it simpler to code in C than in other languages. Particularly when you want to link with specialized libraries available only in… Continue reading A pure (windows) “C” version of urlencode

How to get the same result in VBA and in PHP computing a CCITT CRC checksum

I was working last week on a Microsoft Access application and I needed to get some data from a webserver running Apache/PHP. Exchanging data with the server was easy, the WinHTTP and XML ActiveX library components are really cool and easy to use for that. But then I came unto some unexpected trouble when I… Continue reading How to get the same result in VBA and in PHP computing a CCITT CRC checksum

Les méandres de TCP/IP (2002)

Introduction TCP et IP ont été développé par l’agence de projets de recherche avancée (DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) du département de la défense américaine (DOD), en 1969, dans le cadre du projet de recherche ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) visant à connecter des réseaux conçus par différents fournisseurs en un super-réseau, le… Continue reading Les méandres de TCP/IP (2002)